Corrupted Blood

"Corrupted Blood" is an Event for Molly MacCormack. This Event is part of an Event Chain.

Previous Event: Sardines
Next Event: Level One




To get this event

Choose "Call someone" after "Big Dog", "Flora", "My Heart is in Rotenburg" or "A Place Between the Trees". This event belongs to an event chain started from "Wires...and the Concept of Breathing".

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


Fish with Maki
Jump to A Place Between the Trees
Drink with Yuki
Jump to My Heart is in Rotenburg
Treasure hunt with Kaori
Jump to Tree Village (The Color Machine)

Note: You will have a chance to play through all of these events. This choice only affects the order in which you do so.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


After Sensei acknowledges how he never tried to learn who Ami really was since he woke up, he decides to fully embrace this new beginning by getting in contact with the one girl he usually wouldn't contact.

The girl in question turns out to be Molly, who's currently visiting an arcade with Tsuneyo and is more than a little surprised by Sensei's sudden call. She wants to know why he decided to contact her, and after some smalltalk, Sensei states he just wanted to hear her voice right now, which ends up embarrassing and confusing her. He further explains he wanted to do something different, but won't bother her if she already has plans with Tsuneyo. However, Molly "uses telepathy" to ask Tsuneyo to play games by herself, and Tsuneyo does so.

Now alone, Molly wonders how she could help him when she's normally useless in that regard, but Sensei doesn't need her to do anything outside of existing for him. She uses this moment to confess how much she has thought about him recently, mostly wondering when both of them could do something again as she – and also everyone else in the dorm – is struggling due to his absence. He acknowledges that things have changed but claims they need to if he wants Ami to get better, but Molly realizes he isn't trying to do something to mend his own situation, which worries her.

After getting sidetracked, Molly brings the conversation back to him and wants to know what he's doing to change things up, and he tells her that he's out camping and that Ami got kidnapped, with Molly thinking he's messing with her. He promises that everything he said is true and explains that Ami is currently being with one of his friends so she has a mother figure for a while. Molly can relate to this, though assumes that a parent in general would be beneficial for her, with Sensei revealing he intends to become one for her, and while Molly encourages this development, it makes her feel weird due to one of Ami's life goals.

While they're on the topic, Sensei needs some information from her, and Molly can guess what he wants to know – How her father was able to support her as a single parent. Molly reveals he never stopped supporting her, as he still provides financial support which helps her finance her hobbies, and while she thinks an allowance would be helpful, she suggests he should be more attentive to Ami's needs.

Molly tells him that she's missing him and asks if she can spend some time with him once he returns from his camping trip, and Sensei tells her they can, though since he can't do it the day after he returns, he asks her to wait a bit longer.

With this promise made, both end the call, and Sensei continues his day.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Corrupted Blood
  • Event Script Name(s) = mollycamp1
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • mollyontheline

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • notabluearchivesong.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .40.0.