Level One

"Level One" is an Event for Molly MacCormack.

Previous Event: Corrupted Blood
Next Event: Fated to Love You



To get this event

Upon fulfilling all Requirements, this Event automatically occurs on Sunday Morning.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


Sensei decides to give Molly a call in an attempt to make her feel less appreciated, a feeling he's partially to blame for due to him dismissing her feelings on multiple occasions. She picks up, and Pareidolia immediately takes control and makes him say something bad, which forces him to hang up. He tells them to stop intervening, but Pareidolia refuses and even mocks him for his behavior and denial. Once they seem to finally be quiet, he tries calling Molly again and, after agreeing the first call never happened, he invites her out as he promised during his trip. She agrees, but due to her staying up late, she asks to meet up later that day, and before he can tell her to inform him when she's ready, he suddenly finds himself in front of her somewhere in the city.

After getting over the fact that he's experiencing yet another instance of lost time, he asks her how she's doing, which makes her feel weird due to how unusual this behavior is for him, and the following dialogue makes Sensei wish to be teleported back home, but Pareidolia refuses to listen. After Sensei and Molly talk about their respective entities inside their head and how they force them to say stuff they don't want, Sensei asks her what she planned for today, but Molly reminds him that he came up with today's plan. Since that part was skipped for him, he asks her to remind him what he planned, and she reveals that both of them will visit the arcade, which he finds hard to believe, but she tells him that he chose it to show some interest in her hobbies.

He accepts this supposed plan of his, and after another time skip, he finds himself inside the arcade with Molly. After some banter, Molly decides it's time to start their date, but also remarks how she's completely inexperienced in terms of real life romance. He thinks it's unnecessary since they only hang out like they usually do, but Molly disagrees as it feels different this time and every compliment he gives her feels like genuine flirting to her.

He wonders if she's worried about them spending time together when he basically ghosted the entire class, something she wasn't even thinking about due to how much she was looking forward to this. However, she doesn't think anyone in their class will mind since she doesn't think anyone sees her as a rival, and while Sensei feels like Molly is too self-conscious, she argues why she feels that way. He refutes her arguments by telling her how he went on a date with Rin, and since everyone would take it seriously if they're together, he assumes they would also take Molly serious due to how similar Rin and her are, so she should be more confident. Molly is reluctant to take his word and thinks they should start playing some games now.

Hours later, Molly thanks Sensei for their date and offers something in return, and while Pareidolia tries to push it to their desired outcome, he ignores them and tells her she doesn't need to give him anything as he already got a lot during their time together. She disagrees, explaining that while their relationship will never be a serious one, it still can be something unique between them, even if it makes no sense to anyone else. He claims her not making sense is both lovable and frustrating, and Molly states the way he cherishes her is also lovable and frustrating, because while she loves how he cherishes her despite her flaws, it's also in conflict with her desires – Being cherished in a more passionate manner.

She can tell he still struggles with what happened that night, so she tells him to let it go and to accompany her back to the dorms.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Level One
  • Event Script Name(s) = mollyspring1
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • mollyarcadedate

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • fallishere.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .40.