One Thousand Penises

"One Thousand Penises" is an Event for Touka Tsukioka.

Previous Event: Artisan Hands
Next Event: update xx.xx.xx



To get this event

Upon fulfilling all Requirements, this Event automatically occurs on Wednesday Night.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


The scene opens on Makoto reading behind the desk of the Porn Shop, with a narrator commenting on how she's bored right now, a feeling they assume is shared by the reader since there hasn't been a reset for a while and there's no sign of one coming up soon. At some point, Touka arrives at the shop, wearing a large mask to hide her identity, but it doesn't fool Makoto. She decides to screw with her a bit, playing on her naivety and lack of experience with the outside world.

Once she reveals that she was messing with her, Makoto wants to know why Touka is looking for material here instead of looking it up online, and she explains that she tried it, only to learn that her internet traffic isn't as anonymous as she thought, so Makoto suggests a VPN provider, which is presented as an advertisement. She then tells Touka that they have other wares besides films, but she has enough of those already, though she still needs educational material. Since they don't have anything like this in their store, Makoto offers to take Touka upstairs to her home and hear her out.

After serving her some tea and some smalltalk, Makoto agrees to educate her on what she wants to know about intimacy, and Touka appreciates her help, especially since Chika's explanation made her uncomfortable and didn't help her much. Makoto wonders if it's the physical side that worries her, specifically the painful ones, but she isn't worried about that, because she was already educated on all of that and feels like she could endure any pain that comes with it. She only struggles with the emotional side of it, especially when it comes to the timing and her behavior.

Makoto understands her hesitation, and advises her to treat it like a dance and that it's okay for her not to know how to do it, as long as she tries. Makoto also suggests to let her partner take the lead, especially when that partner is someone like Sensei, who likes to be in charge. Touka tries to deny that it's him she wants, but Makoto already knows the truth and, therefore, understands why she won't ask him directly and instead wants to learn from other girls. Touka asks why she's so knowledgeable about this, and she reveals her relationship with Sensei, followed by some explicit revelations, some of which with almost sadistic glee, which causes an embarrassed Touka to leave the residence.

While Makoto laments the appearance of another rival on a seemingly endless list, Touka returns to the dorms, and while she initially tries to deepen her new knowledge, she has to stop when she accidentally wakes up Yasu. In the end, she goes to bed, though has a hard time falling asleep due to her mind drowning in this new flood of information.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = One Thousand Penises
  • Event Script Name(s) = toukaspring3
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • toukabuysporn

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • marshmallow.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .43.0.