
"Stomachache" is an Event for Io Ichimonji.

Previous Event: Komorebi
Next Event: update xx.xx.xx




To get this event

This Event automatically starts after "Komorebi".

To miss this event

Choose "Go home" in "Stomachache".


Go home
+10 Io Affection
Miss Stomachache. Replaced by Dress Up
Destroy her
-10 Io Affection
+1 Ami Affection


This event has no effects.


This Event takes place in the following locations:


While Io reveals further details on how she was abused due to her mother's twisted sense of love, Sensei tries to relate with her and to find a way out of this situation, but Io is so used by the way she was treated that she only sees herself as a broken doll that tries to survive by putting her fate into his hands. Realizing there's no way out, he wonders if he even wants to safe her – He does, he just doesn't know how.

While Sensei attempts to get some answers from her to understand her thoughts, he calls Sekai by her name when she starts complaining about his hesitance, revealing parts of his past and her complicated feelings for her, while also learning that Io's parents are still free and somewhere beyond the wall.

When Io runs out of patience, and both Sekai and Pareidolia try to convince him to heal her the way he usually does, he's forced to make a decision.

  • If he takes the path he's supposed to, he will try to make Io feel loved, but she's dismissive and apathetic most of the time, only showing minor sings of forgiveness for how they ended up, and swiftly kicks him out of her house once he's done wasting her time. Back home, he asks Ami to sleep in his bed, because he doesn't want to be alone tonight.
  • If he decides to take a different approach, he refuses to do anything to her. Confused, she wants to know if he's disgusted by her past, but he negates this, stating that she should do something like this because she wants to, and since she doesn't, he doesn't want to either. He decides to let her catch some sleep, apologizes for his behavior and promises that his view of her hasn't changed. Now alone, Io is confused and shocked by not being treated the way she expected, having never imagined such an outcome even existed for her.

Participating Characters


  • Regardless of his choice, Sensei decides to give Io some space to digest what occurred, meaning Io is unavailable again once the event is over.

Event References

  • Event Default Name = Stomachache
  • Event Script Name(s) = iospring3, iodestroyed
  • Event Missed Name = Dress Up
  • Backgrounds

    The following background renders are used in this Event:

    • londonbridge

    Music Tracks

    The following music tracks are used in this Event:

    • stopwind.mp3

    Event Changelog

    This Event was added in Update 0.41.