Radio Silence

"Radio Silence" is an Event for Maya Makinami. This Event is part of an Event Chain.

Previous Event: Miraculous Human-Glue
Next Event: update x.xx.x


This Event takes place in the following locations:


After a long time walking, Sensei is still followed by Maya, who tries to get an answer from him and ignores his pleas to leave him alone. During this, Maya notices that he's talking with Niki again and wonders if he intends to leave her and get back with his ex, something Sensei considers if it makes her leave him alone.

Maya reminds him that they made a promise regarding her, but he tells her he never promised anything to her. He also explains that while she may feel that Ayane was abducted by aliens and replaced with a convincing yet different thinking copy, for him she's the one who was replaced with a very well-made copy, which is why he doesn't want to even look at her. She attempts to convince him from the opposite and reminds him of their own little cycle of helping each other when they're feeling down and fill the void between it with whatever counts as affection for them.

Sensei, once again, demands she leaves him alone, but Maya still refuses since she still doesn't understand why he suddenly doesn't want her around him, and Sensei gives a more detailed explanation about the Maya he knew and how she guided him through an unknown world in a way that made it hard to tell if she liked him or not, whereas this Maya is very open with her feelings for someone who isn't worth it.

Maya defends her actions by claiming that she's only open with her feelings because Sensei ignored her, and tells him that both of them aren't worth anything due to what they do and how they are, but this is the reason why both of them made their relationship work. She implores him to take a look at her and realize that she's still the same girl he knows and that her past self he claims he knows never existed, but Sensei uses the moment to inform her that he lost his memories, that he remembers nothing about their past together and how things have changed from the world she knew during his time here, meaning that she will experience inconsistencies as time goes on.

Maya doesn't believe his weak excuse, but she humors it for a moment and says that it doesn't matter if he doesn't remember their past together as she's still the same girl she was before and will act as such, and both of them were meant to form a close relationship, meaning they would end up where they were after he gets antiquated with her a second time. Sensei stays unconvinced and he demands one more time that she leaves him alone, but Maya instead demands he brings her to his home so they can deal with this issue there.

As he thinks, Sensei decides to finally give in and tries to accept that this new Maya is just like the old one. He guides her to his second home, a decision that confuses her.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Radio Silence
  • Event Script Name(s) = sportswars14
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • mayachasing

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .39.0.