Holden Caulfield

"Holden Caulfield" is an Event for Chinami Chosokabe. This Event is part of an Event Chain.

Previous Event: Lucky (China Doll)


This Event takes place in the following locations:


There's a knock on the door. Then another. Then another and another. All of which fills Sensei with the greatest sense of dread as he attempts to combat his desire to flee. He hesitantly reaches for the door's handle and opens it, immediately realizing how terrible a mistake it was.

Tsukasa steps inside, joining Chinami as the two girls begin to talk, quickly moving through topics before asking Sensei what he'll be teaching them today. He, in turn, tells Tsukasa to return home as he absolutely refuses to tutor either of them and says he never agreed to. Tsukasa's surprised to hear this, having thought he already talked through the topic with Tsubasa. He denies this and once again tries to get her to leave, encouraging her to call her limo and go back to her family's estate. She surprises both him and Chinami by revealing that she didn't come via car from the manor, but from next door, as she's currently leasing a unit from Touka.

While Chinami is happy to have her friend so close, Sensei once again just tries to make her leave. Both girls ignore his attempts to get the idea dropped, and he resorts to lying and claims he's stopped teaching permanently, but they don't believe him since they were informed by their sisters that he's just taking a break. When he fails to provide a real answer as to why he's so hesitant, the two decide to get ready in hopes the pressure will make him cave. He tries to deny this will happen but proves them right soon after.

He tries to assure himself that he'll be able to handle the fear, but this is quickly proven to be wrong when he joins them on Chinami's bed, and a voice taunts him to repeat a mistake from the past and choose one of them.

Sensei begins his lessons by asking the chosen girl about Catcher in the Rye, though Chinami has no clue what he's talking about, whereas Tsukasa only knows the basic themes it tackles and asserts her mother claims it was boring, which allows Sensei to segue into a discussion.

Upon trying to do so, he relives a memory: In this unspecified time, Sensei is still a private tutor, and he observes a debate between Noriko and Maya, both of whom are arguing about Catcher in the Rye. Maya thinks the main protagonist, Holden Caulfield, is an insufferable crybaby and fails to see any deeper meaning in the story or the character. Noriko meanwhile, while agreeing that the book is overrated, tries to argue for and understand why Caulfield acts the way he does and claims understanding the story is important because of its influences on culture. Sensei agrees with both girls, reminding them that he's given them such advanced material so they could contrast their opinion with the mainstream ones, and better understand what makes them different from everyone else. Maya backs down after hearing this but continues to pout, prompting Sensei to ask Noriko to leave the room for a moment so he can speak to her privately.

Sensei snaps back to reality, just as Tsukasa and Chinami are becoming increasingly confused by his burst of silence. He quickly learns from the two that he's been unresponsive for twenty minutes and declares that he's going to leave. Before he can, he begins to "black out" again, with his hallucinations becoming increasingly deranged whilst taunting him.

After several different hallucinations, he finally breaks out of it, and Tsukasa thinks he should return home now, while Sensei thinks he never should've come in the first place.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Holden Caulfield
  • Event Script Name(s) = chinamispring2
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • tsukasaarrives

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • normalday.mp3
  • shrinemaiden.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update 0.37.