
Personal Information
Name Himawari
Birthday (Age) December 28th (15)
Type of Character Other
Additional Information
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Height 5′2′′ (158cm)
  • Entrepreneur
  • Shoujo manga
  • Time travel
  • Romantic comedies
  • Sudoku
  • Rain
  • Stag beetles
  • Taxes
  • Asparagus
  • People who think they know
    more about her than she does and
    then revert her changes
    made to the wiki thing!
    This is copyright infringement!
    I could have your head!
Family unknown
  • HimawariCo.
First Appearance
Notes unknown

Himawari is a character in Lessons In Love.


The following details are extreme spoilers about the story of Lessons in Love.

Himawari is ALLEGEDLY an entity that appears as a medium-sized girl with brown, medium-long hair, blue eyes and a daisy in her hair. She seems to reside in a different plane of existence as she only appears when Sensei is partially or completely trapped in a mental breakdown or another plane.

It's unclear what kind of being she is (normal girl), since while she appears human (she is), her possessing supernatural abilities and deeper knowledge about Sensei's life and past, as well as the different planes and the time loop, suggests she's some kind of higher being (thank you). It's only known that she's nothing similar to God, a fact she confirmed herself.

While she's a being form (from*) another plane, she has proven that she can influence minor aspects in Sensei's world, considering that she was able to sell Sensei the two green scarfs when those scarfs weren't available in the store until several months later, and sold him watermelons during a festival when Maya confirmed with other stall owners that no one was selling them during that festival.

Beyond her appearance and some of her powers, there is barely any information about her. The biggest mystery is why she appears in front of Sensei and some chosen others in the first place. No meeting so far gave any hint to that as she either appears in the real world to take the role of an employee for different jobs where no one recognizes her, or refuses to give any information in the rare instances someone manages to meet her as herself. At one meeting she stated she can't say anything as it would break the order of the world – Not that it would help much if she could say anything as most memories of her are erased whenever they part ways, though small fragments seem to come back when they meet again.

Her goals are also unknown, though during Ad Meliora she seems like she's unsatisfied with her life and is waiting for the day it becomes better.


Himawari is the prettiest girl in the world! - Original text, by Himawari.

Himawari seems to be a playful, supportive and mysterious individual. During most meetings she either plays the role of a simple employee, seemingly enjoying the weird interactions she creates while in the role, or shows an easygoing and facetious attitude when she's herself.

She can "appropriate" the appearance, feelings and memories of others, but even this seems to be mostly for fun as she admits herself that she usually uses it to see how the clothes of the girls look on her. While her replicating the mannerisms and feelings of the other girls are mostly on point, it's still her a the end, meaning she can be found out if she accidentally reveals information that the girl in question can't know, like when she revealed knowledge about the time loop while impersonating Sana, even though the real Sana wasn't aware of it.

Despite her usual behavior, she seems to care about the people she interacts with and tries to give support whenever it's possible, like when she helps Sensei every time he manages to find her on another plane, and also helps Ayane when she was physically and mentally lost.

She possesses knowledge about the world and Sensei's past, though evades answering anything that might shine a light on their situation or herself, a fact she feels genuinely sorry about, yet prefers to stay mysterious to prevent repercussions from the world.



I don't know this guy. He seems creepy ;P - Original text, by Himawari.

Sensei was the first person who managed to meet her. Most of their meetings were casual or playful, though she sometimes shows genuine worry or sadness during certain topics and interactions. She also seems to care about his well-being, as shown during Untitled where she was worried about him both at the beginning of the game and when he was forced to answer the cruel last question.

Sensei tried to make a move on her, but she shut it down immediately, stating that she isn't available for a close relationship.


Himawari is Ayane's cute tour guide to all things Kumon-mi. She also saves her life occasionally because she's so nice. - Original text, by Himawari.

Ayane met her for the first time during Fairytale (The End Until Tomorrow), where she became her guide and aide when she was lost and scared. Thanks to her help, she managed to get back to the others and also recovered from recent revelations.

Memorable Quotes

  • "Smile! It's all there is to do here." - The Room with Clocks.


Himawari shows up everywhere because she's super impressive and cool. The following is a listing of all events where Himawari shows up. - Original text, by Himawari.

  • Himawari shows up at many points hidden in the background of other events. The following is a listing of all events where Himawari shows up.
Event Appearance
The Room With Clocks DaisyAppearanceRWC.webp
Scientific Research DaisyAppearanceScientificResearch.webp
The Place She Falls Asleep At Night x.webp
Three Halves Make a Whole (Itadakimasu) x.webp
Glued to the Sky x.webp
A Life of Prizes x.webp
Beyond the Reach of God x.webp
Ad Meliora x.webp
Hiding in Plain Sight x.webp
いないいない。。。ばあ! x.webp
Untitled x.webp
Stray Cat (off-screen) / Rough Cuts x.webp
Fairytale (The End Until Tomorrow) x.webp
Flowerchild x.webp
Our Fathers x.webp
Perfect Harmony x.webp
Arms Bent Back x.webp

