Cutting Through Cocoons

"Cutting Through Cocoons" is an Event for Futaba Fukuyama.

Previous Event: Under the Radar
Next Event: Self-Insert



To get this event

Visit Futaba's dorm room on any day except Tuesday after all Requirements have been fulfilled.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


Sensei arrives in the first floor dorms, and pays another visit to Futaba, hoping for a better visit than the last time. Just to make sure he isn't interrupted, he turns off his phone before Futaba answers the door. She tells him to wait, as she doesn't 'look normal' at the moment, but after another few minutes of Sensei waiting and another attempt, Futaba caves and lets him in.

Futaba stares at Sensei, somewhat flustered, and apologizes for not being in normal attire due to her clothes being in the wash. She is a bit concerned with her appearance, but Sensei casually brushes it off, saying it's not nearly as bad as his evening attire, which he just as casually reveals is him sleeping naked, which causes Futaba to freeze up in shock, to the point he has to poke her in the cheek to bring her back around. Futaba apologizes for her sudden behavior, and Sensei bluntly tells her that she's aroused, but she almost freezes again when he says the same is true of himself, and she starts going all over the place with her thoughts.

Eventually, Futaba is able to take back control of her own mental state, and she asks Sensei why he feels the need to spend so much time around her as opposed to the other girls, and he honestly answers that it's just something he wants to do. Futaba reluctantly accepts this answer, and admits to Sensei that she's also been thinking about him a lot as well. Futaba suggests the two part ways before things can go any farther, though, and Sensei agrees, eager for the next time where they just might. He promptly leaves to go home and get to bed.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Cutting Through Cocoons
  • Event Script Name(s) = futabadorm10
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • Unknown

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • Unknown

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update 0.24 (replaces Nothing to Wear).